🧲 Everything you need to know to finally make your business and brand truly magnetic. 🧲

What If Calling in Your Perfect Clients Felt Easier & More Fun?

How to Make Social Media Generate New Sales for Your Business - In Under Two Weeks

Sascha, you have an intuitive gift. I don’t know how you do it, but I’m always just amazed. 

- Jeni Hott

The World’s First 7-Figure Blogger

Working with Sascha and Jonathan has helped me to make mental shifts that have allowed me to ask for and get substantial raises, get a higher paid position, and sell at a higher price point with confidence knowing that the best fit for me is out there.

-Leia Dingott

Top Estate Planning Attorney

I’d like to submit a review that says even touching your energy may cause spontaneous energetic movement! 

- Safiyyah Cummings


As Featured in...

When you lean into what makes you different, there is no competition.

Full stop.

Once you discover what differentiates your brand from other coaches or service providers with similar offers, you've got exactly what you need to start developing clear messaging that will attract your dream clients.

Because ultimately, it's YOU that people want to work with and YOUR magic that they're ready to pay for. But if you don't know what that is or can't articulate it, then your content can't do the heavy lifting to help you call in your perfect-fit clients.

If you want to create content that makes people say, "This is EXACTLY who I was looking for!" — then it's time to discover what your secret sauce is and how to speak about it so people are so excited to work with you, you have to start that waiting list.

Everything is possible with the right support. It's time to do business in a way that feels good to you. Let's bring fun and joy into your business!

Let's do business differently

  • What if you knew how to call in your most perfect clients—with total trust in yourself and your vision?

  • ​What if your business felt totally aligned with your values?

  • ​What if you had complete confidence in your business, yourself, and your clients?

  • What if you removed the obstacles to growth and began leapfrogging your own growth—personally and professionally?

  • ​What if your whole life changed, for the better? What if it all felt easier?

Right this second, 3,200,000,000 (3.2 BILLION!) humans are using social media. 

There's no easier way to reach your perfect clients - and attract sales!

Welcome to Content Charm School

Lifetime access to a program that allows you to experience on finding and embracing what makes you brilliant so you can step into the fullest version of yourself and create content that draws in your perfect-fit clients.

What is covered inside Content Charm School

The material comes in four phases, to cover every aspect of attracting new clients.

We’ll guide you to what you need- for your unique business.
…No busy work here. You’ve got better things to do.


  • Immediate actions steps for creating lead-generating social content. This alone will change your whole social presence

  • Everything you need to know to update your entire social presence - on every platform - to elevate your authority, credibility, and searchability.

Unmistakable Story Building

  • Define Your Brand - See exactly how to talk about your brand so everyone else will, too.

  • Differentiate Your Offer - We'll show you how to discuss your offer in a way that’ll make your future clients scoop it right up - without gross marketing tactics.

  • Describe Your Client - We’ll show you how to speak so clearly to your client, you’ll have people tagging their friends in your posts and sharing your content - without you even asking.

Undeniable Social Strategy

  • Detail Your Language - Forget those “I help” statements. You’ll create magnetic elevator pitches, taglines, and bios.

  • Decide on Platform - You’ll pick your best platform(s) based on what your business needs and what you like- not what the trends and influencers dictate.

  • Discover Your Strategies- Here’s where we get into the platform-specific tips and tricks for generating leads with speed and ease.

Unstoppable Income

  • Designate Your Staple Content - Content pillars and buckets don’t work. We’ll show you what does, and your content will never be the same. (It’ll be better.)

  • Determine Your Presence - Discover what works best- and where. Create your cohesive, lead-generating social strategy on one platform, or across them all. You won't find any content pillars or buckets here- those just don't work.

  • Dive + Refine- Everything you need to prepare to hand it off, scale, or both.

You’ll get access to all Content Charm School modules, a live group coaching session each month, and our guud client community. Learning, community, and support - built for easy growth, on your timeline!

What it's like on the Inside

Content Charm School is a space where magical humans come to shake off all of the mainstream, bro-marketing techniques, shiny objects, and mediocre conditioning they’ve picked up so they can discover their differentiation and grow their dream business with ease. 

In Content Charm School, you’ll...

🍾 Discover what makes you unique, and lean into it. 

🍾 Simplify your to-do list, your content, and your business.

🍾 Clarify your messaging so you're attracting the clients you want to.

🍾 Let your content do the heavy lifting so marketing & sales are more fun!

🍾 Find more rest and joy in your life and business.

Most importantly, you’ll step into the greatest version of yourself.

If this speaks to you, you'll love it here. We'd love for you to join.

Calling in your perfect clients?

Turns out it’s an art. It’s a beautiful mixture of sales psychology, human psychology, and inspired action.

This man we worked for? He made multiple 7-figures...
Without a content calendar, without sales pages, without systems or "shoulds" or anything else.

Any advanced skill is indistinguishable from magic. The people with clients inboxing them to work with them… That’s not magic.

It's a skill. It's a skill you can learn and use to grow your business, one that makes everything else so much easier.

If you join us, here’s a taste of what you can experience...

Content Charm School Experience

🍾  Nail Your Messaging In a Day, a pre-recorded strategy workshop, where you'll discover what makes your brand unique and pinpoint anything slowing your success. (Breakthroughs usually happen here!)

🍾 Monthly live coaching sessions where you can get support with strategy, content, copy, and messaging.

🍾 Carefully chosen guest expert sessions, hand-selected to add to your growth experience and tailored to the topics you care about most.

🍾 A private community of bold entrepreneurs who will become your business besties, cheer for you, lift you up, and celebrate your successes with you.

🍾 Pre-recorded modules on branding, content strategy, messaging, and email marketing - with checklists and easy-to-complete assignments built for quick results.

🍾 Curated resources ranging from wealth expansion to work-lifestyle balance to our SEO website audit resources. Get access to all our existing materials & new stuff we create along the way!

You'll have lifetime access to all materials, so you can come back, grab information and inspiration and win - during every phase of your business and life.

Who is this for?

Bold And Brilliant humans

🍾 If you’ve ever been told you’re “a lot” or "too much"...

🍾 If you’ve ever been told you “talk too much”…

🍾 If you’ve ever been told to dumb yourself (or your content) down...

🍾 If you’ve ever felt like you don’t quite fit in...

🍾 If you feel like you’re underutilizing your genius...

🍾 If you’ve felt challenged by fitting yourself into a sellable box for social media…

🍾 If you’ve ever felt that you’re too complicated or too multi-passionate to be easily sellable on social media…

people with purpose

🍾 If you have a calling, a desire, a knowing, an itch that you’re meant to create something huge…

🍾 If you're ready to build generational wealth and leave behind a legacy...

🍾 If you are ready to make the kind of shifts that cause multi-generational ripples…

🍾 If you have a coaching program that provides major transformations…

🍾 If you provide a service that changes the way people live or work...

Are you ready?

🍾 If you’re ready to make a lot of money—not so you can be Scrooge McDuck, but so you can opt-out of stifling systems, build your own tables, and change the world...

🍾 If you’re ready to establish yourself

as the leader in your own category…

🍾 If you’re ready to get bold, get uncomfortable, and step into the fullest version of yourself...

...Then it’s time to embrace all that you are and to develop messaging that lets it fly because the world needs your magic and your message. And it’s easier for you to make more money than it is for you to stay where you are.

What this isn’t:


⚠️ This is NOT a place where you’ll learn systems and automation.

You've got to discover your differentiation and nail your messaging before you worry about this stuff. 

Note: Clients who master the first level of our program may inquire to work with us in a consulting capacity, where we share our automation, tech, and ads strategies.

⚠️ This is NOT a program where you’ll show up and be bombarded with content or time-consuming work.

Ever purchased a high-end program only to find out the secret is a ton of tech work, time-consuming front-end systems implementation, or other forms of hustle? 

This isn’t that. We want to make your business and your life simpler and more fun. 



⚠️ This is NOT a one-size-fits-all coaching program forcing one methodology or strategy onto your business.

Each business is unique, so we give you strategic options best suited to your own growth, based on your current lifestyle, desired lifestyle, and experience. 

And, you'll feel support in our group coaching calls where we'll get to know you and your business.

⚠️ This is NOT a program with gurus in ivory towers. 

Everyone on our team is a successful entrepreneur as well, sharing their own transformation transparently. We’re all in this together, and we keep it fun. You won't find any guru worship here.

Expect fun surprises like pop-up coffee dates, office hours, and live Zoom sessions where you can chat strategy, no RSVP required.



⚠️ This is NOT a program or course with a strict path. 

We've built the 7-Figure Content Blueprint as a flexible business mentorship program. Think of it as having back pocket access to business-growth materials as well as a community of entrepreneurs who "get it."

If you are someone who wants a course with modules or a strict and rigid path to success where we tell you everything you need to do, you will not find it here. We are here to support you on your journey, not dictate exactly what it looks like. 

If you know this is the right move for you, tap to join.

Why now?

Now is the best time because people join us usually grow. They usually grow easily, feeling supported, and moving out of periods of feeling un-stuck quickly.

If you done with all the busy work of DESIRING more success instead of actually having it, done spending time creating content that doesn't seem to move the needle in your business, then join us now to get off the content creation hamster wheel and build more ease into your business.

Being a part of this experience and working with our coaching team will help you save the time, money, and hassle that comes along with not having the support you need to expand.

Not to mention, you'll immediately become part of a spirited community of bold entrepreneurs who are ready to support you and cheer you on during this journey.

If you know you want to join us, then you're just a few steps away from stepping into the fullest version of yourself.

If you're not ready to join us quite yet, we'll be here when you are!

Next Steps

If you're ready to join us in the 7-Figure Content Blueprint...

  • Click any of the magical buttons on this page.

  • You'll be taken to a your checkout.

  • Upon completion, you will immediately be given access to the 7-Figure Content Blueprint.

The world opens up so much when you share your genius effectively through your messaging. 

Are you ready?

What Happens if you don’t join us?

Honestly, you’ll probably be fine. People who wait don't usually break through, but not everyone wants a breakthough.

People who wait... It doesn't matter the reason, but people who wait don't break through. They end up on the sidelines of their own lives.

If you are the right person (and you probably already know if you are), we’ll save you a lot of time while adding a lot of fun, rest, celebration, and magical humans to your world. Your life will change more rapidly for the better than if you let this pass by.

We’re out here creating a revolution. The revolution will be fun, it’ll be restful, and it won’t be like anything you expected. We hope you'll join us!

Worst case, you keep trying new things:


🤷🏽‍♀️ A business school or mentorship program from one person with one niche skill set

🤷🏽‍♀️ A purchased system from someone whose growth values don’t align with yours (oops)

🤷🏽‍♀️ An Instagram course (or two)

🤷🏽‍♀️ A copywriting course (or two)

🤷🏽‍♀️ A money mindset course

🤷🏽‍♀️ Hiring a VA

🤷🏽‍♀️ Writing a sales page

🤷🏽‍♀️ DIY Facebook ads

...I could add more to that list. Look, we used to be too smart for our own good. We’ve done it all, and it’s contributed to an amazing skill set… but you don’t need all of that to hit your revenue goals, now.

All you need is yourself and your existing skill set. You have all the tools you need. Now, all you have to do is show up on social media and talk about it in a way that attracts your perfect clients, qualifies them before they even pop up on your calendar, and establishes yourself as an authority in your space (because that invites even more opportunities your way!).


It’s so much simpler than you’d ever expect.

We’re out here creating a revolution. The revolution will be fun, it’ll be restful, and it won’t be like anything you expected.

You likely already know if this is the right move for you. 

Imagine your perfect clients...

Finding your social and loving your content so much they’re actually searching for ways to get to know you and what you sell.

Imagine your perfect people can’t wait to buy from you, all because your content is so dang cohesive and magnetic.

You’re in luck.

Welcome to Content Charm School.

This is social media for people focused on social, global, and community change- not just pretty pictures and popularity contests.

Social media is made simple here.

Here’s exactly what you get when you join Content Charm School:

  • Immediate lifetime access to the most comprehensive social media lead generation program in existence - so you can access it whenever it and however you want it, because life happens.

  • Lifetime access to our private client community full of mission-oriented entrepreneurs - and our great support team. You'll never get lost or waste time on things that you don't actually need.

  • Live Q+A Sessions every month- no more wondering if you’re doing it right or why what you’re doing isn’t working.

Plus… You get access to special member-only trainings, live sessions, and other private resources.

Got questions? We've got answers!

What if I have not gotten a client yet or started to generate revenue?

Content Charm School is a program designed for anyone who has something to sell - including a personal brand. There's no revenue or income minimum needed to join Content Charm School.

How do I know if I’m ready?

If you want to build more ease into your business, and you're ready to do what it takes to make that happen, then you're ready to join us. The entrepreneurs who are most successful in our program are those who have a proven offer and solid idea of their audience. They want to stop working with clients who aren't a good fit and start calling in their perfect-fit clients without spending hours creating content.

I need to do [insert random thing] and then I’ll do this.

When you join Content Charm School, we meet you where you are. There's nothing you have to have prior to joining us. Our most successful clients are the ones who are immediate action takers.

I’m already at $40k months, will I get anything out of this?

Yes! While you may not feel the need to attend all the group coaching calls, you will find huge benefit in going through the modules to refine and clarify your messaging and help you expand to other platforms to grow your audience, reach, and impact.

I’m already at $100k months in my business, will I get anything out of this?

Yes, so long as you’re clear on why you’re joining us. You'll benefit from refining and clarifying your messaging, and potentially opting into more advanced strategies like cross-platform or viral content strategies. and now is the best time to develop one. You may attend sessions yourself, with your assistant or VA, or send someone from your team in your place to get the strategy support you need to keep growing.

How quickly can I recoup my investment? What is the ROI?

Total transparency is our policy, so we’ll give it to you straight. Questions like these indicate this isn’t the right time for you to join our program. 

We don’t guarantee any results or ROI. Results depend on a number of different  factors and everyone’s development is different. We've had clients immediately go from a couple hundred dollars a month to $40k months (and honestly more than double that), while others have made massive personal transformations they can't put a number on. 

We provide the space and mentorship for massive transformation, but we believe in personal power and ownership, and each client’s journey is personal and ultimately not under our control. That being said, we will give you all the support you need to do the deep, important work it takes to add more ease and joy into your business.

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How is this program different from other coaching programs?

Content Charm School is different because it covers lead generation from an organic, flexible, lifestyle-driven perspective. While we give you access to all of our courses and trainings, this program is NOT like a course where you go through the same modules and path as everyone else. We meet you where you are to provide support where you need it most in all aspects of entrepreneurship—strategy, marketing, copy and messaging, accountability, and more. You're welcome to email us or drop a question in the community to ask for ideas on what to do next, should you ever feel stuck.

We (Jonathan and Sascha) have a background in creative lead generation. We used to run an SEO and Facebook Ads agency and have spent years in the world of digital marketing, selling hundreds of thousands of dollars of high-ticket coaching programs without sales pages, and we want nothing more than you to have all the wins you desire.

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How many people are in Content Charm School?

This question usually means you want to make sure you'll get the attention you desire. Here is the most important detail: questions may be submitted in advance for the live coaching sessions, so as long as you're able to plan in advance, you'll likely get your question answered. (To date, we've never had anyone NOT get their questions answered.)

We prioritize the client experience. Regardless of how we grow, we build in support and systems to maintain the high-touch, results-oriented environment we've created. 

If you desire more hands on, 1:1 support, please send an email to [email protected] to inquire about 1:1 mentorship.

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How is this different from any other social media course?

 Jonathan and I learned our skills in the secret behind-the-scenes world of multilevel marketing companies. We had a boss who would make a deal behind the scenes with a company, then we’d put together all the digital marketing strategies needed to attract thousands of new customers and business builders, quickly. Blogs, SEO, social, ads… We’d create and implement a fully cohesive strategy, the branding, social media assets, and movement for the business builders to duplicate.

Then, we had our own SEO and Facebook ads agency. We’ve worked with, consulted, and implemented for brands and companies across dozens of niches: skincare, survival, cryptocurrency, birth centers, chiropractors, dental, restaurant design, medical billing, internet courses, telemedicine, nutrition, and online publishing, among others.

Plus, we’re both professionally trained actors (method and improv), which means we’re really good at understanding the motivations behind human actions. Hello, insights into buyer behavior.Lastly, we’ve also received a 2-Comma Club award for a funnel Jonathan built (I wrote the copy), as well as awards for booking $10k and $50k in 30 days via our 7-Figure Content Blueprint Program.

In short, there’s no one else as qualified in lead generation who can show you how to do it in a hands-on, flexible way.

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How long does it take?

I mean, what is time, but an arbitrary construct? Just kidding. (But seriously, have you listened to Dr. Joe Dispenza lately?)

When you purchase now, you’ll have lifetime access to the program and community. It’s created for quick wins and sustainable gains, but the results are up to you. Think you have a unique situation? Try us.

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I never complete courses. Is this going to be different?

You don't need to complete Content Charm School, as it is designed by an instructional designer, Kate Nash, who has decades of experience creating effective learning environments for billion dollar companies. This isn’t meant for you to go from start to finish. We’ll help you assess the best place for you to start and guide you toward the sections most relevant to your needs.

There are levels within the modules (or pathways), based on your level of experience, revenue, and size of team. There’s also community support and monthly Q+A sessions.

Most importantly, though, is this point: this isn’t about completing a course, this is about accomplishing your goals.

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Do I need to attend all the calls?

Absolutely not, but with one call a month, it doesn't hurt. With the Facebook group and modules, we have clients that experience amazing growth without joining calls at all.

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What if I can’t make the calls?

Sometimes life happens, and it’s not feasible to attend the calls. You’ll still be supported in the group and via the modules. You also have the opportunity to watch call recordings if you want to.

There are no requirements for building your dream business. There are no rules and the energy of the experience and the safety of the container can be enough for growth and transformation. Everything is possible. Does that sound unbelievable, or like a total relief? Perhaps it’s both

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I’m not a coach, but I like your vibe. Can I still join?

Absolutely. We have service providers, product creators, and personal brands in the group, as well. As long as you’re interested in custom business growth with a focus on organic business growth and wealth expansion, you’ll have an amazing experience. We’d love to welcome you into the circle.

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Can I send my virtual assistant/social media manager/child/pet gerbil to do it for me?

Definitely. You’ll want to “check their work” initially to make sure you like the direction, but this is designed for DIY or to be handed off to a team.

Should I be doing TikTok or Reels or LinkedIn or…?

Your best platform is the one you like the best. Your ideal client exists on every platform, so where do you want to be? If you’re not sure, we can help you assess this during a Q+A session in the Blueprint community.

I heard the Facebook organic reach dropped. What should I do?

Listen, something’s always going wrong in the organic world, but great social and great messaging strategies will always rise to the top of any feed.

I don’t want to use social but I want more leads. Help?

You can use these strategies for in person marketing, as well. Lead generation is lead generation, but social is the easiest and free-est version around. Then, if you decide to utilize social, these strategies will fly.

I want to run ads. Does this help with that?

Any good ads or marketing team will invent these foundational things for you, so you’re better off if you cultivate it intentionally. Then you’re handing off an effective social brand vision to anyone who you hire for marketing.

Most people end up with sloppy marketing because each person they hire is creating this behind the scenes work themselves, so this sets you up for better cohesive growth.

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Is this good for LinkedIn [or any other specific platform example]?

This works for any platform, though there are best practices for each platform and we’ll walk you through those.

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Content Charm School

Join Now For ONLY $2497 

With LIFETIME access to Content Charm School, our private client community, and Monthly Live group coaching sessions, the only thing left to do to step into your dream life is hit that purchase button!

Fine print: you're purchasing a live program. The next live coaching call will be in August. You'll receive access to all available modules and new modules will be released. The group is active and full of live trainings, as well. We cannot wait to welcome you to the community.

Transformation begins with a transaction, so as the young kids say...


We cannot wait to see you inside!

Yes! I'm Ready!

I'm Joining Content Charm School Now 🤩


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About Us

We’re Sascha and Jonathan, and we’re professional actors, entrepreneurs, homeschool parents of four kids under 9, lovers of travel, culture, and adventure. We wanted to work together- for ourselves- so we could create the resources that matter most (time and money) to create our dream life with our growing family.

We thought we were going to do real estate, but ended up at a skincare party- invited by an agent and a casting director, because that's Hollywood for you- and we joined that company.

Short story? Jonathan and I learned our skills in the secret behind-the-scenes world of multilevel marketing companies. Within a year and a half of joining that first company, we were hired by another entrepreneur. This man would make a deal behind the scenes with a company, then we’d put together all the digital marketing strategies needed to attract thousands of new customers and business builders, quickly. Blogs, SEO, social, ads… We’d create and implement a fully cohesive strategy, the branding, social media assets, and movement for the business builders to duplicate. I was the Lead Strategist and Jonathan was the VP of Operations.

After that, we had our own SEO and Facebook ads agency. We’ve worked with, consulted, and implemented for brands and companies across dozens of niches: skincare, survival, cryptocurrency, birth centers, chiropractors, dental, restaurant design, medical billing, internet courses, telemedicine, nutrition, and online publishing, among others.

Plus, we’re both professionally trained actors (method and improv), which means we’re really good at understanding the motivations behind human actions. Hello, insights into buyer behaviors. Over the past decade, we’ve also received a 2-Comma Club award for a funnel Jonathan built (I wrote the copy), as well as awards for booking $10k and $50k in 30 days via our Content Charm School programs.

In short, there’s no one else as qualified in lead generation who can show you how to do it in a hands-on way- without taking a bunch of time, since these businesses are a means to an end, and not the end themselves.

The skills we learned to create our fun and free life are available to you in Content Charm School. Social media is an investment in your business. Let’s get that ROI and beyond. 🚀

© Goal Alchemy + Guud Marketing LLC, 2024 / All Rights Reserved .

Need help? Email [email protected]

This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way.

FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please do not purchase from GUUD.

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